
Vitalim is an asparagus variety that is suitable for the cultivation of white asparagus. The plants are productive and very uniform.


Vitalim grows well on soils that are well drained and with a plant density between 4 or 5 plants/m² and a plant depth of 16-20 cm. Vitalim is easy to harvest early by growing them in a tunnel or under black and white foil.

Plant properties

Vitalim is a productive variety with a good head closure and a good stem thickness. Because the stems are not very sensitive to hollow stems, the quality remains good. If the harvested stems are treated, the pink discolouration will decrease.

Disease and pest resistance

The strong foliage makes this variety strong against foliar diseases and rust.

Available as:

  • A 70+ grams (100/bag)
  • B 35-70 grams (200/bag)

Variety description NL DU FR