
Aspalim is an asparagus variety that is suitable for the cultivation of green asparagus. The plants are good for early cultivation and have a good production.


Aspalim grows well in soils that drain well and with a planting density of 4 or 4.5 plants/m² and a planting depth of 15-22 cm. It is possible to have an earlier harvest by growing the plants in a tunnel, greenhouse or with black and white foil.

Plant properties

Aspalim is productive, has a good tip closure and has a good stem quality. The stem thickness is good and does not change as the plants get older. The plants are very uniform.

Disease and pest resistance

Aspalim can have problems with Botrytis if not sprayed against it.

Available as:

  • A 70+ grams (100/bag)
  • B 35-70 grams (200/bag)

Variety description NL DU FR