Malling Centenary

Malling Centenary is an early variety. The fruits are firm, have a good shelf life and are big throughout the harvest season.

Plant type, flowering and harvest

Malling centenary has a strong and open plant type. The plants have fewer leaves and are a bit smaller compared to those of Elsanta. Because of this, the fruits will be visible and easy to harvest. The flowers produce a lot of pollen which results in good-quality fruits. The flower trusses produce between the 3 to 4 berries, which ensures big good quality fruits. When compared to Elsanta, Malling Centenary has less production but the percentage of bad fruits is lower.

Disease resitance

Malling Centenary is susceptible to Pestalotiopsis and Phytophtora cactorum, when these are grown in an open field. Fresh plants can also be sensitive to black root rot. The variety is moderately sensitive to mildew (Sphaeroteca macularis).

In open field cultivation these can be sun and rain damage, it si therefore advisable to grow the plants in a greenhouse or in a tunnel.


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Variety description PDF