Senga Sengana

Senga Sengana performs quite well in outdoor cultivation for processing and is productive. The fruits are uniform in size and are easy to pick. The colour is too dark and the aroma too strong for fresh consumption.

Plant properties

The Senga Sengana is a medium-sized bushy plant with many flower clusters with fairly small flowers. The strawberries are spherical and not really big. The seeds are deep in the strawberry, which makes it look like the raspberry strawberry. The fruits are nice and red inside and have a strong, somewhat unusual smell when they are picked ripe. The fruits are uniform in size, glossy and rather dark red. The fruits are not very fragile, deep orange-red, juicy and have a good taste with a strong aroma.

Ziekte en plagen resistentie

Senga Sengana is suceptible for Phytopthora fragariae, Phytophthora cacotrum and Botrytis cinerea; a little suceptible for Verticilium dahliae, Sphaerotheca macularis and Phytopthora cactorum.

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